Process Panel Meter (4 Digit Display)

Process Panel Meter (4 Digit Display)


  • Panel mounted 1/8 Din 
  • mA or Vdc inputs
  • Bright 4 digit, 14mm display
  • IP65 front panel
  • Password protection setting
  • Peak and hold function
  • Excitation voltage for sensors
Details Price QTY
Product description: 1/8 Din Process Panel Meter, No Outputs
Product description: 1/8 Din Process Panel Meter, 1 Relay Output
Product description: 1/8 Din Process Panel Meter, 2 Relay Outputs
Product description: 1/8 Din Process Panel Meter, Analogue Output
Product description: 1/8 Din Process Panel Meter, Analogue Output, Relay Output


The M40-P digital process panel meter is for use with a wide range of pressure and temperature transducers, such as 4/20mA and 0/10Vdc. It is versatile and reliable, and suitable for a wide range of applications. Whilst we offer factory configured units from our UK stock, the modular design of the M40-P provides flexibility to replace, add or change any of its functionality.

This device provides an excitation to power a connected transducer; this reduces the need for additional power supply units in your loop.